Windows Snippets

A collection of Snippets, commands and other useful things for Windows that I often forget, and need to lookup.


Existence Tests

Commandline application or PowerShell Commandlet

if ((Get-Command cmd -ErrorAction SilentyContinue) -ne $null) {
	# Do Something

Recursive delete of a Folder and it’s contents

Remove-Item -Recurse -Force folderName

Reload your profile.

. $Profile

PowerShell equivalent of which

(Get-Command cmd).Path

NB: PowerShell 3+

Windows Command Line (DOS)

Equivalent of which

where.exe [cmd]

Windows Environment Commands

General Windows

.Directories and .Files

To create .Directories in File Explorer append a “.”” to the directory name. e.g.


To create .Directories in Command Prompt or Powershell:

mkdir .Directory

To create .Files in File Explorer append a “.” to the file name; e.g.
